Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company

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McCarthy Cook & Company

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San Francisco, CA


Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum (HOK)


600,000 sq ft

Seismic upgrade utilizing buckling-restrained braced (BRB) steel buttresses and Fiber-Reinforced Polymer 7bit casino review(FRP) interior structural reinforcement. Micro-pile foundations installed in low ceiling subterrain conditions support large foundation elements. Both sides of the building receive new exterior concrete 7Bit Casino bonuswalls reinforcement rising up from the basement level, with a significant portion of work occurring directly above the waterline. Interior FRP installation required removal and replacement 7bit casino bonus codesof existing interior finishes within multiple tenant suites and over multiple floors in the 600,000 sf building. The exterior façade will receive a new exciting finish, bringing a fresh face to the iconic, 7bit casino review1920’s-era, southern waterfront structure.

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